Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baclofen Pump Trial

Trial didn't go as planned.  

Started out as a 4 on the ashworth scale, tone wise, then ended and didn't even drop below 4 at any point. The nurse was able to get my knee from hyperextended to locked in neutral when I was sleepy and before my nap; sometimes this happens and 'loosens' at night right before bed. So it didn't work or kick in for any of the 6 hours at 25 micrograms.. I get manipulated into past neutral and bent degrees during physical therapy.. Did nothing for my ankle, hips, or torso either. Going back most likely next Tuesday to try again and get 75 micrograms put in and also try carbocaine, which is a trial for a nerve block, in conjunction with the Baclofen pump trial again. The carbocaine should block the nerves to my calf muscles and toe flexors to relax them.. hopefully my ankle too. The Baclofen pump will hopefully bend my other affected areas. All I know is that it failed today, my sore back switched to extreme back pain and now it's bearable after icing it. One more thing. With another trial, I am now set back 2 additional weeks for my program on top of the existing 2 week setback from taking an antibiotic. Going to have to be on it for an additional month. I'm tired of it and the crazy diet. I want to eat. I am not happy. On the plus side, the Drake Center doesn't give up on people. I'm hoping there will be something where I can bend my knee again. It's nuts.

This isn't all that happened/things we were told but it's most of it, and all I want to share. 


Thumbs down. No beuno. At least I have sweet people as blessings.

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